LP 0804
Practical Training Paper II - Alternative Dispute Resolution System :
Objectives of
the Course : The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
various modes of Alternate Dispute Resolution System (ADR). The ADR mechanism is less bound by procedural formalities
and speedy in giving results. For this reason ADR is appreciated by many
countries around the world. The course is designed to give the students
insightful knowledge about this emerging area. The goal of the course is to
help the students to understand practically the various methods of resolving
disputes under ADR system, so that they can help their clients and society to
select and employ the most effective, just and humane methods. The inability to
resolve disputes in a timely manner eviscerates public and private rights
obligations. To overcome this drastic situation ADR is highly recommended and
accepted. The course covers study of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996,
the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 and few international perspectives and
enforcement of foreign awards.
Scheme of Marking :
A :
University Written Examination : 80 Marks
B :
Written Submissions (10 Marks) & Viva voce Examination (10 Marks) :
20 Marks
Part A : Syllabus for University Written Examination : 80 Marks
Module 01 |
Alternate Dispute
Resolution Mechanisms : 1.
Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms :
Meaning, Definitions, Concept and History 2.
Structure Powers and Functions of the
Authorities under the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 3.
Legislative and judicial sanction for ADR 4.
Forms of ADR : Negotiation, Mediation,
Conciliation, Arbitration, Lok Adalat |
Module 02 |
Meaning, features, theories, types of
negotiation 2.
Appointment, role and qualities of the
negotiator, Process of negotiation 3.
International negotiation 4.
Meaning, features, theories and role of
Mediation 5.
Appointment and role of mediator 6.
Good offices |
Module 03 |
1. Meaning, features and modes of
Conciliation |
Conciliation under the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 3.
Appointment and role of conciliator 4.
Techniques of conciliation and Termination of
conciliation proceedings 5. Contractual provisions about
conciliation |
Module 04 |
Meaning, features, theories and types of
arbitration 2.
Historical perspectives of arbitration as a
dispute settlement mechanism, and law of arbitration 3.
Types of Arbitration - Domestic and
International arbitration, Institutional arbitration 4.
Advantages and disadvantages of
arbitration 5.
Difference between Negotiation-Mediation-Conciliation-Arbitration
Module 05 |
The arbitration agreement, formation, its
essentials 2.
Validity of arbitration agreement 3.
Rule of severability, Effect of death,
insolvency, etc. on agreement 4.
Parties to arbitration agreement, Agreement as
binding on third parties 5.
Power of Court to refer parties to arbitration
Jurisdiction of Courts |
Module 06 |
Structure, Powers and Functions of Arbitral Tribunal : 1.
Constitution of Arbitral Tribunal -
qualifications to act as arbitrator 2.
Disclosures by arbitrator, Disqualification of
arbitrators 3.
Grounds to challenge appointment and procedure
of Arbitrators 4.
Powers of Courts to appoint Arbitrators 5.
Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal - Power to
rule on its own jurisdiction 6.
Interim measures ordered by arbitral
tribunal 7.
Interim measures by Court |
Module 07 |
Arbitration Proceedings and Award : 1.
Conduct of arbitral proceedings, procedure,
rules of procedure 2.
Language, impartiality of arbitrator, equal
treatment of parties 3.
Procedure before arbitral tribunal, claim,
defence, hearing, evidence, experts, confidentiality, application of the Law
of Evidence and Limitation 4.
Court’s assistance in taking evidence, fast
track procedure 5.
Arbitral award - Types of award - Form and
Content - Finality of award - Interpretation of award 6.
Correction in award - Stamp duty -
Registration - Additional award Costs - Termination of proceedings 7.
Time limits for award, extension of time 8.
Recourse against award, Grounds of setting
aside award, Court’s role, Enforcement of award |
Module 08 |
International Perspectives and
Enforcement of Foreign Awards - |
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
2. The
Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses, 1923
3. The
Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards 1927
4. The
New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards, 1958
5. Foreign
awards – meaning and definition (New York Convention Awards and Geneva
Convention Awards)
6. Referring
parties to arbitration
7. Binding
nature of foreign awards,
8. Enforcement
of foreign award, Proof of award, Conditions for enforcement
9. Jurisdictional
Note :
1. The
college shall organise interaction session(s) of experts in the Alternate
Dispute Resolution System with the students.
2. The
college shall also organise a visit of students to State Legal Services
Authority / District Legal Services Authority / Taluka Legal Services Committee
/ Local Legal Aid Centre to observe actual working of the Authority.
Alternatively, the college may organise an interaction session(s) of experts in
the concerned area with the students.
3. The
purpose of the visit / interaction session should be to provide or to enhance
the practical knowledge of the students with respect to the course.
4. The
concerned teacher is advised to orient the students, before organisation of
visit / interaction session, as to purpose of visit / interaction, concerned
legal provisions, etc.
Part B : Contents of Written
Submissions (Journal) :
The Written Submissions (Journal) shall contain the
following :
1. Draft
of a domestic arbitration agreement after a commercial dispute has arisen
between parties.
2. Draft
of an application to the Court for setting aside an arbitration award.
3. Draft
of an application to the appropriate court to appoint an arbitrator when
parties have failed in their attempts to appoint one according to the
arbitration agreement.
4. Report
on interaction session(s) on Alternate Dispute Resolution System.
5. Report
on visit to State Legal Services Authority / District Legal Services Authority
/ Taluk Legal Services Committee / Local Legal Aid Centre or on Interaction
Note :
1. A
concerned teacher may change topics for writing of drafts by considering the
objectives of the course.
2. A
Report on visit / interaction session shall consists : (a) Purpose of the Visit / Interaction,
(b) Observations / Information Collected by the student,
(c) Relevant Provisions of Law, (d)
Comments on Linkage between Law and Practice. A concerned teacher may add in or
modify the specified contents of report.
Recommended Readings :
1. Justice
R.P. Sethi, Commentary on Arbitration and
Conciliation Act as Amended in 2016,
2nd Edition, Wytes and Co., 2016.
2. Madhusudan
Saharay, Textbook on Arbitration &
Conciliation with Alternative Dispute Resolution, 4th ed, Universal Law
Publishing, 2017.
3. N
V Paranjpe, Law Relating to Arbitration
and Conciliation in India, 7th ed, Central Law Agency, 2016.
4. Avtar
Singh, Law of Arbitration and
Conciliation, 10th ed,, Lucknow, 2013.
5. Mallika
Taly, Introduction to Arbitration,
Eastern Book Company, 2015.
6. Vishnu
Warrier, Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation,
LexisNexis, 2015.
7. K
V Satyanarayana, Law of Arbitration and
Conciliation in India, Asia Law House, 2017.
8. Anirban
Chakraborty, Law and Practice of
Alternative Dispute Resolution in India – a Detailed Analysis, LexisNexis,
9. Ashwini
Kumar Bansal, Arbitration and ADR,
5th ed, Universal Law Publication, 2016.
10. Shriram
Panchu, Mediation Practice and Law - The
Path to Successful Dispute Resolution, 2nd ed, LexisNexis, 2015.
11. Anuroom
Omkar and Kritika Krishnamurthy, The Art
of Negotiation and Mediation, LexisNexis, 2015.
12. P C
Rao and William Sheffield, ed, Alternative
Disputes Resolution- What it is and How it Works? Universal Law Publishing,
New Delhi, 2015.
13. S B
Malik, Commentary on the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 6th ed, Universal Law Publishing, 2013.
14. N D
Basu, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation,
13th ed, Orient, 2016.
15. U
Pattabhi Ramian, Arbitration & ADR
Including Conciliation, Mediation & Negotiation, Asia Law House, 2011.
16. R S
Bachawat, The Law of Arbitration and Conciliation,
5th ed, LexisNexis, 2013.
17. P C
Markanda, Law Relating to Arbitration and
Conciliation, 9th edn, LexisNexis, 2016.
18. O P
Malhothra, The Law and Practice of
Arbitration and Conciliation, 2nd edn, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2006.
19. N D
Basu, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation,
P K Majumdar (ed), Orient, 2016.
20. G K
Kwatra, The Arbitration and Conciliation
Law of India, Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi, 2008.
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