LO 0805
Human Rights Law and Practice :
Objectives of
the Course : The National Legal Systems recognized the rights of
individuals from ancient periods and extended protection through various legal
regulations. However, they could not provide an effective remedy for breaches
outside the state and state violations. This scenario and other developments in
the beginning of 20th century led the nation-states to bring the aspects of
individual's rights under the purview of international law and appropriately
titled them as Human Rights with the adoption of Charter of UN in 1945. In
pursuance of the directions of the preamble and other provisions of Charter, a
plethora of international instruments have been agreed upon by the States
Parties to Protect and promote the Human Rights of Individuals both at
international and domestic levels. In view of the gaining significance of
International Law of Human Rights, this course presents subtly an overview of
the International and Domestic perspectives of Human Rights along with the
redressal mechanism.
Module 01 |
Introduction : 1.
Historical origins of Human Rights in
International and National Scenario -
Nature and an overview 2.
Basic Components of Human rights – Value,
Dignity, Equality, Justice, Morals and Ethics and Significance 3.
Perspectives on Rights and Duties –
Relationship between Rights and Duties 4.
Provisions under the Charter of UN – Preamble,
Articles 1(3), 13(1)(b), 55 and 56 5.
International Bill of Human Rights (UDHR,
ICCPR, ICESCR) - Nature and significance 6.
Introduction to generation of Human Rights |
Module 02 |
First Generation
Human Rights : The Civil and Political
Rights – ICCPR, Part III of the Constitution of India and Landmark Cases : 1.
Civil Rights: Freedom of Opinion - Freedom of
Expression and Press, Right to Personal Security in relation to justice and
police, Equality before Law, Right to Life and Liberty, Right to Privacy,
Right to Religion 2.
Political Rights: Equal access to Public,
Participation in Governance, Right to Vote and Good Governance |
Module 03 |
Second Generation
Human Rights : The Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights : ICESCR, Part IV of the Constitution of India and Landmark
Cases : 1.
Economic and Social Rights: Labour Rights,
Right to Property, Right to Education, Freedom of Association, Right to
Social Security (Pension, Medical Services - Right
to insurance for sickness, old age – Unemployment allowance etc.) 2.
Cultural Rights: Right to develop Languages,
Right to follow Customs, Folkways, Literature, and Traditions, Right to enjoy
Scientific and Technological benefits |
Module 04 |
Third and Fourth
Generation Human Rights : 1.
Group Rights (Third Generation Rights) : Right
to Development, Right to Self-determination, Right to Peace and Happiness,
Right to Safe and Decent Environment, Right to Human Assistance, Right to
Adequate Food, Right to water - Landmark Cases 2.
Right to Genetic Engineering (Fourth
Generation Rights) : Right to Protect |
Human Genome
against unethical and unfair exploitation of genetic information (The UNESCO
Declaration on Human Genome from 1997), Right to Genetic Identity, Right to
impose restrictions on medical (Scientific and Technology) interference,
Right to Die in Peace and Dignity, Right to Life of the Unborn (with reference to abortion and
infanticide). Relationship of Science & Technology and Human Rights 3.
Upcoming Human Rights –right to science, right
to participate in science, right to benefit from science, right to benefit
from a person's own contribution or invention, etc. 4.
The Conflict Between Generations of Rights |
Module 05 |
Human Rights of
Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups : 1.
Meaning and Definition of Vulnerable and
Disadvantaged Groups 2.
Social and Economic Status of Women and
Children 3.
Status of Socially and Economically
Disadvantaged groups - Rights of Indigenous People (Scheduled Tribes),
Scheduled Caste, Minorities, Aged and Disabled 4.
Vulnerable Groups - Sex Workers, Domestic
Workers, Stateless Persons, Migrant Workers, HIV/AIDS patients, LGBTQ and
Prisoners |
Module 06 |
Enforcement Mechanism of International
Human Rights - Constitution, Powers and Functions : 1.
The Human Rights Committee under ICCPR 2.
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights under ICESCR 3.
The Committee on Elimination of Discrimination
Against Women under CEDAW 4.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child under
CRC 5.
Role of Human Rights Council and Office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights |
Module 07 |
Human Rights
Enforcement in India : 1.
The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 –
Object, Nature, Scheme, Definitions, Landmark cases 2.
Constitution, Powers and Functions of - a)
National Human Rights Commission b) National
Commission for Women c)
National Commission for Protection of Child
Rights d) National
Commissions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Minorities and other disadvantaged groups 3.
Role of Judiciary in Enforcement of Human
Rights 4.
Human Rights Courts and their importance |
Module 08 |
Significance of
Human Rights Education : 1.
Meaning and Definition of Human Rights
Education 2.
Role of UN in the Promotion of Human Rights
Education 3.
Role of Government of India in the Promotion
of Human Rights Education – UGC and Universities |
Recommended Reading:
1. V.
K. Ahuja, Public International Law,
LexisNexis, Noida, 2016.
2. Gurdip
Singh, International Law, Eastern
book company, Lucknow, 2016.
3. Editors,
Eibe Riedgal, Gilles Giacca, Christophe Golay, Economic social and Cultural Rights in International Law, Oxford
University Press, 2014
4. Walter
Kailin and JorgKunzli, The Law of
International Human Rights Protection, Oxford University Press, New York,
5. Peter
N. Strarms, Human Rights in World History,
Routledge, New York, 2010.
6. De
Schutter, International Human Rights Law,
Cases, Materials Commentary, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
7. V.R.
Krishna Iyer, The Dialectics and Dynamics
of Human Rights in India - Yesterday,
Today and Tomorrow, Eastern Law House, New Delhi.
8. Manoj
Kumar Sinha, Implementation of Basic
Human Rights, LexisNexis.
9. Editors,
Ian Brownlie and Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Basic
Documents on Human Rights, Oxford University Press.
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