Sunday, 13 November 2022

LC 0703 Public International Law


LC 0703 Public International Law :


Objective of the Course : This course provides an insight into Public International Law and its significance in the economically globalised world. It enables the students to understand the interdependence of the countries and how they are constantly addressing the global issues through peaceful measures.  In view of the vastness of the subject, only important chapters have been covered here. An Introductory perspective to International Law is aimed to provoke the inquisitiveness of the students. A grasp on the key features and subtle perspective of the law and its relevance will help the students in the preparation of various competitive examinations.




Module 01

Nature and Development of International LawVideo 2 Video 3

1.     Meaning and Definition of International Law  Video 2

2.     Theoretical Basis of International Law - Natural law Theory, Positive Law Theory, Grotius Theory and Consent theory    (03 Videos Mapped)

3.     Historical perspective of International Law - Codification of International Law, Work of International Law Commission

Module 02

Sources of International Law Video2   Video 3

1.     Statute of the International Court of Justice, 1945 (Article 38) - International Treaties and Conventions, International Custom, General

Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations, Judicial Decisions of International and National Courts, and Juristic Opinion

2.     Other Sources of International Law - Resolutions of General Assembly, Resolutions of Security Council

Module 03

Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law : Video 2  Video 3

1.     Theoretical Perspectives - Monistic Theory, Dualistic Theory, Transformation theory, Delegation Theory, and Specific Adoption theory

2.     Practice of States - United Kingdom, United States of America and India

Module 04

Subjects of International Law :

1.     Meaning and Definition of State

2.     Kinds of Different States in International Law – Sovereign States, SemiSovereign States, Protectorate, Vassal, Trust Territories, Special type of States - Holy State and Neutralized States

3.     Individuals as subjects and object of Public International Law

4.     Role and Status of Multi National Companies

Module 05

Recognition of States :

1.     Meaning and Significance of Recognition

2.     Theories of Recognition - Constitutive Theory, Declarative Theory, Stimson Doctrine and Estrada Doctrine

3.     Types of Recognition - De-facto, and De-jure

1. Recognition of Insurgency and Belligerency

Module 06

State Territory and State Succession : Video 1 

1.     Meaning and Definition of State Territory

2.     Types of Acquiring and Loss of State Territory – Occupation, Prescription, Accretion, Cession, Dismemberment, Retrocession (The Case of Hong Kong)

3.     Meaning and Concept of State Succession - Difference between State Succession and Succession of Governments

4.     States Succession to TreatiesMembership of International Organizations Recent Developments, State succession to Public Property, Torts, Debts, and Archives    Video

5.     Theories of State Succession to Treaties - Theory of Universal Succession,

Theory of Negativism, Contemporary Theories (Neo-Universalism and



Neo-Negativism), and Theory of Gestation (Nyerere Doctrine)

Module 07

State Jurisdiction :

1.     Territorial Jurisdiction - Civil and Criminal jurisdiction, Universal Jurisdiction, Extra territorial Jurisdiction of State

2.     State Jurisdiction and State Territory-Land Territory -National WatersTerritorial sea-Contiguous zone-Exclusive Economic Zone—Air and Outer Space – obligations of states under outer space Treaty 1966

3.     Jurisdiction based on Nationality - Modes of Acquiring and Losing Nationality, Double Nationality, and Nationality of Married Women - Indian position

4.     Meaning and Significance of Sta - Role of UNHCR

5.     Meaning and Definition of Extradition - Types of offenders and Process of Extradition

6.     Definition and Significance of Asylum - Territorial and Extra-Territorial Asylum  Video   Video

Module 08

State Immunities and Privileges Video 1

1.     State Immunity - Absolute theory and Restrictive Theory of Immunity, Views of the International Law Commission, and Waiver of Immunity

2.     Significance and Functions of Diplomatic Agents and Classification of Diplomatic Agents

3.     Immunities and Privileges of Diplomatic Agents - Inviolability of Diplomatic Agents

4.     Inviolability of Premises - Immunity from local, Civil, Administrative and Criminal Jurisdiction, Immunity from Taxes and Custom Duties, Freedom of Movement, Travel, Communication and Worship

Module 09

Law of State Responsibility : Video 1 Video 2

1.     Nature and Basis of State Responsibility - Elements of State Responsibility, State Responsibility in different fields

2.     Theories of State Responsibility - Fault or Subjective Theory, Risk or Objective theory, Eclectic Theories of Responsibility, Absolute Liability

3.     Significance of Doctrine of Culpa

4.     Defences precluding State Responsibility

Module 10

Law of Treaties :

1.     Meaning and Definition of a Treaty, Types of Treaties

2.     Parties to a treaty - Formation of a Treaty, Significance of Pact Sunt Servanda

3.     Significance of Jus Cogens, Role of Rebus Sic Stantibus (Changed Circumstances) in Treaties  Video   Video

4.     Procedure for Termination of Treaties

Module 11

Settlement of DisputesVideo 1

1.     Legal and Political Disputes

2.     Pacific Means

3.     Extra-judicial Pacific Means- Negotiation- Good Offices- Mediation-

Conciliation- Inquiry- Arbitration

4. Coercive and Compulsive Measuresaa - Retortion - Reprisals - Embargo - Pacific Blockade - Intervention.

    Module 12     International Institutions :

1.     Historical Origin of International Institutions - League of Nations - An Overview, United Nations - Purposes and Principles

2.     Structure, Powers and functions of (a) Security Council, (b) General Assembly,  (c) Economic and Social Council, (d) Trusteeship Council, (e)

Secretary General - Appointment, Powers and Functions

3.     International Court of Justice - Historical Evolution and Composition,  Types of Jurisdiction of the Court - Contentious and Advisory, Law

Applied by the Court and Binding Nature of Judgment

4.     Legal Status of International Organisations


Recommended Readings:

1.     Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts (eds.), Oppenheim’s International Law (Vol. I – Peace) Oxford University (2008).

2.     I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, 7th ed., Oxford University (2008).

3.     I.A. Shearer, Starke’s International Law, 1st Indian ed., Butterworths (2007).

4.     D.J. Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 7th ed., (2010).

5.     H.O. Agarwal, International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Publications, 21st ed., (2016).

6.     Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law, Cambridge University Press, 7th ed., (2015).

7.     J.G. Strake, Introduction to International Law, 10th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann; (1989).

8.     D.W. Bowetts, Law of International Institutions (6th edn), Sweet and Maxwell, (2011).

9.     S.K. Verma, An introduction to Public International Law, Prentice Hall (1998).

10.  Gurdip Singh, International Law, Eastern Book Company, (2015).

11.  V.K. Ahuja, Public International Law, Lexis Nexus (2016).

12.  S.K. Kapoor, International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Agency.

13.  Shilpa Jain, Introduction to International Law, Eastern Book Company (2016).


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