Sunday, 27 November 2022

Webinar : Constitutionalism and Transformative Constitutionalism


Greetings to all,

NAVJEEVAN LAW COLLEGE, Nashik in collaboration with LEGAL SAVIOUR cordially invites you to join for celebration of Constitution Day vide International Webinar titled  Constitutionalism and Transformative Constitutionalism  

Resource Person - 

Prof Dr. Dilip S. Ukey

Hon'ble Vice Chancellor,

Maharashtra National Law University

( MNLU) Mumbai 

Date : Monday 28th November 2022  

Address    : Online

Timing      :  11:30 am IST onwards                 

Fee            :  Free


Contact Details :

Dr. Shahista S. Inamdar , 


I/c. Principal, Navjeevan Law College, Nashik 

+91-84465 41984 

Mr. Sagar R. Jadav


Advocate, Gujarat High Court

Founder, Legal Saviour

+91-72288 57799

Special Note :e-certificate would be provided to those registering for this webinar within 10 days from the date of the webinar.

Those interested may enroll for the same by filling  up their details in the form below.

Live Platform : 


Navjeevan Law College and Legal Saviour

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Syllabus LO 0809 International Economic Law


 LO 0809 International Economic Law :


Objectives of the Course : With the Changing dimensions of Globalisation and the increasing dependence on economic relations by the nation states, the significance of international law has grown considerably in the contemporary era. The relations of nation-states are mostly depending on economic cooperation than on political perspectives as compared to yester years. In order to have a broad outlook of the nation-state relations in the field of economic era, this course equips the student to get an overview of economic legal scenario of states.


Module 01

Introduction :

1.     Definition and Nature of International Economic Law

2.     Sources of International Economic Law

3.     Relationship between national and international economic laws

Module 02

Developments in the context of De-colonization :

1.     Origin and Development of International Economic Law - Bretton Woods Conference

2.     Concern of Developing States: New International Economic Order (NIEO)

3.     Significance of Resolution on Permanent sovereignty Over Natural Resources

4.     The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties Law 

5.     Sustainable Development under United Nations

Module 03

International and Regional Financial Institutions :

1.     IBRD Structure Powers and Functions - Significance of IRO

2.     Structure Powers and functions of IMF

3.     Structure Powers and Functions of World Bank

4.     Structure powers and Functions of Asian Development Bank

5.     Structure Powers and Functions of G-20

6.     Structure Powers and functions of BRICS

Module 04

International Trade Law :

1.     GATT  :

a)     Historical origin

b)    Organs 

c)     Uruguay round and its impact on International Economic Law

d)    Significance of most Favoured Nations Clause and National Treatment

e)     Objective Principles of GATT 1994 –Reduction of Tariff and NonTariff Barriers to Trade.

f)     General Exceptions to Article XX and XXI of GATT 1994

g)    Safe Guard Measures under XIX of GATT 1994

2.     WTO and International Economic Law :


a)     Historical origins of WTO

b)    Structure Powers and Functions

c)     Role and Responsibility of Secretariat

d)    Dispute Settlement System under WTO

e)     Impact of WTO Law on Domestic Law

Module 05

International Investment Law :

1.     Foreign Investment:  Meaning and Types

2.     BITs

3.     Dispute Settlement Regime (ICSID)

4.     Indian Perspective

Module 06

International Business Law :

1.     International Sale and Carriage of Goods

2.     Rome Convention

3.     CISG (UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods)


Recommended Readings :

1.     Asif H. Qureshi, International Economic Law (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998).

2.     John Jackson, William Davey and Alan Sykes, International Economic Relations (West Academic Publishing, 1995).

3.     Matthias Herdegen, Principles of International Economic Law (Oxford University, 2016).

4.     Hazel Fox (ed.), International Economic Law and Developing States: Some Aspects

(British Institute of International, 1992).

5.     I.Seidi, Hohenveldern, International Economic Law (Kluwer Law International, 1992).

6.     Bhandari and Sykes, Economic Dimensions in International Economic Law (Cambridge University Press, 1999).

7.     Van Meerhaeghe, International Economic Institutions (Springer, 1998).

8.     O’Conell, International Law, Vol. I & II, Oxford University Press.

9.     Harves D.D., Cases and Materials on International Law, (Sweet & Maxwell; 1991).

10.  Schwazenberger,  Foreign Investment and International law, Article published by Modern Law Review, November, 1969.




Syllabus LO 0808 Civil Minor Acts

LO 0808 Civil Minor Acts : 


Objectives of the Course : This Course covers subjects that a civil practitioner needs to address very often. The aim of the course is to introduce the students the knowledge law with respect to Interest, Civil Courts, Suits Valuation, Court Fees, Registration of documents, Stamp duties and Negotiable Instruments.



Module 01

The Interest Act, 1978 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act

2.     Power of court to allow interest

3.     Effect of provisions relating to interest in other statutes

4.     Section 34 of the Civil Procedure Code

5.     Powers of an arbitrator to award interest

Module 02

The Maharashtra Civil Courts Act, 1869 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act

2.     District Courts, Joint District Judges and Additional District Judges 

3.     Civil Judges - Appointment, Jurisdiction, Classes of Civil Judges,  Transfer of Suits and Appeals 

4.     Temporary Vacancies

Module 03

The Suits Valuation Act, 1887 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act

2.     Valuation for Suits relating to Land

3.     Valuation in other Suits

4.     Objections in Appeals to over valuation or under valuation

Module 04

The Maharashtra Court Fees Act, 1959 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act

2.     Rule Regarding to the Valuation of Suits 

3.     Court fees, Nature of levy

4.     Documents chargeable to court-fees, Plaint and counter-claims

5.     Exempted documents, Mandatory nature of payment

6.     Computation of court fees, Fixed fees and ad-valorem fees, Modes of collecting court fees, Cancellation of stamp

7.     Decision of questions as to valuation

8.     Refund of court fees

9.     Multifarious suits

Module 05

The Registration Act, 1908 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act

2.     Establishment of Authorities, their Powers and Duties, Register - Books

3.     Registrable Documents - compulsory, optional, contents of documents

4.     Time of Presentation and place for Registration

5.     Procedure of Registration

6.     Registration and Deposit of wills

7.     Inspection and copies of Books and Indexes Registration 

8.     Effect of Registration and Non-registration

9.     Refusal to Register, Grounds for refusal

Module 06

The Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958 :

1.     Object, application and definitions under the Act  

2.     Authorities under the Act and their powers and functions

3.     Liability of Instruments to Duty

4.     Stamps and mode of using them

5.     Valuations for Duty

6.     Duty by whom Payable

7.     Adjudication as to Stamps

8.     Instruments not duly Stamped

9.     Offence, Penalties and Procedure

    Module 07    The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :

1.     A negotiable instrument, types, definitions

2.     Essential features of negotiable instruments, and type of instrument, Instruments payable to order or to bearer, payable at specified time or on demand

3.     Maturity of an instrument

4.     Parties to negotiable instruments, their rights and liabilities

5.     Negotiation – Meaning, Requirements, Types of endorsements, Modes of negotiation, Who can negotiate?, Effect of negotiation by various modes, Negotiation in particular cases (Sections 57-59), Period of negotiation (Section 60)

6.     Presentment - Purposes of presentment, Time for presentment, Place of presentment, Presented to whom? Effective presentment, Delay in presentment, When is presentment not necessary? Liability of banker for negligent dealing

7.     Payment and Interest, Delivery of instrument, Immunity to bankers

8.     Discharge from liability on negotiable instruments, Modes of discharge

9.     Dishonour, Modes of dishonor, Notice of dishonor, Noting and protest

10.  Acceptance and payment for honour and reference in case of need

11.  Compensation

12.  Rules of evidence, Presumptions and estoppel

13.  Crossed cheques

14.  Bills in sets

15.  Penalties in case of dishonor, Criminal liability, Procedure


Recommended Readings :

1.     Mulla, The Registration Act, 13th ed, K Kannan (ed), LexisNexis, 2016.

2.     Malik’s Commentary on The Registration Act 1908 with State Amendments, 4th ed, Delhi Law House, 2016.

3.     Sanjiva Row, Registration Act, 15th ed, Law Publishers, 2015.

4.     K Krishnamurthy’s The Indian Stamp Act, 12th ed, M R Hariharan Nair and Boris Paul (ed), LexisNexis, 2017.

5.     Sunil Dighe, The Maharashtra Stamp Act, Snow White Publications, 2017.

6.     Mahendra Jain and H M Bhatt, The Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958, Law Times, 2017.

7.     A N Khanna, Law of Court Fees and Suits Valuation, 8th ed, Universal Law Publishing, 2011.

8.     MLJ Manual on the Court Fees Act 1870, LexisNexis, 2017.

9.     Khergamvala on the Negotiable Instruments Act as amended by Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act 2015, S Abdul Khader Kunju ed., 22nd ed, LexisNexis, 2017.

10.  D S Chopra, A Commentary on Sale of Goods, Partnership and Negotiable Instruments, Thomson Reuters, 2016.


Syllabus LO 0807 Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups and Criminal Law


LO 0807 Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups and Criminal Law :


Objectives of the Course : In India there are multiple socio-economic disadvantages that members of particular groups experience. The task of identifying the vulnerable groups is not an easy one. Besides there are multiple and complex factors of vulnerability with different layers and more often than once it cannot be analyzed in isolation. In this course the vulnerable groups that face discrimination include- Women, Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Children. Since the British era, criminal law was used to eradicate social evils. The fear of punishment was a tool of social change. In post-Independence period the modern State has used criminal law to bring social change. This Course will help students to understand the role of Criminal Law in protecting the vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in India.


    Module 01     Introduction to Vulnerableand Disadvantage Groups :

1.     Meaning of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged groups

2.     Structural discrimination and vulnerable groups

3.     Role of law to overcome discrimination



4. Criminal law as a tool of social change

Module 02

The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 :

1.     Social menace of Untouchability

2.     Legislative history, objectives, definitions and scope of the Act

3.     Practices of Untouchability and Punishments

4.     Presumption of courts in some cases

5.     Power of court to impose collective fine

6.     Non application of Probation of offenders Act

Module 03

The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 :

1.     Legislative history, objectives, definitions and scope of the Act

2.     Defining Atrocity against Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes

3.     Offences of Atrocities and punishments

4.     Externment procedure

5.     Collective Fine

6.     Special Courts and Special Prosecutor

7.     Presumption by courts in certain cases

8.     Precautionary and Preventive measures under the Rules of 1995

9.     Non application Anticipatory Bail and Probation of Offenders Act

10.  Investigation and supervision

11.  Personnel under the Act and their duties

Module 04

The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 :

1.     Dowry a social menace

2.     Legislative history, objectives, definitions and scope of the Act

3.     Definition of Dowry 

4.     Penalty for giving and taking dowry

5.     Dowry for benefit of wife or her heirs

6.     Change in procedural law and Evidence Law

7.     Dowry Prohibition officers

Module 05

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 :

1.     Legislative history, Objective, definitions and Scope of the Act

2.     Sexual offences against children

3.     Using child for pornographic purpose

4.     Abetment of an attempt to commit an offence

5.     Procedure for reporting of cases

6.     Procedure for recording statement of the child

7.     Special courts: Procedure and powers of special courts and recording of evidence

8.     Punishments under the Act

Module 06

The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 :

1.     Legislative history, Object, definitions and reasons of the Act

2.     Social Landscape of Prostitution

3.     Prostitute – Vaguely defined under the Act

4.     Protection of Morals and Places of Residence

5.     Ponce or Poncing under the Act

6.     Corrective Institutions and Protective Homes

7.     Personnel under the Act

Module 07     ThePre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of SexSelection) Act, 1994 :

1.     Legislative History, Object and Reasons, and Definitions under the Act

2.     Regulation of Genetic Counselling Centres, Genetic Laboratories and Genetic Clinics 

3.     Regulation of pre-natal diagnostic techniques 

4.     Written consent of pregnant woman and prohibition of communicating the sex of foetus

5.     Prohibition of Determination

6.     Constitution, Tenure, Meetings, Vacancies, Authentication of orders, Disqualifications, and Functions of Central Supervisory Board

7.     Appropriate Authority and Advisory Committee

8.     Registration of Genetic Counselling Centres, Genetic Laboratories and Genetic Clinics

9.     Offences and Penalties

10.  Maintenance of records and Power to search and seize records


Recommended Reading :

1.     P.S. Narayana, Commentary on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2002 and Rules, Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi.

2.     B. R. Beotra’s the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (With State Rules), The Law Book Company (p) Ltd, Allahabad.

3.     Laita Dhar Parihar, Women & Law from Impoverishment to Empowerment- A Critique, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.

4.     B.P. Beri, Commentaries on the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, Eastern Book Company.

5.     The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, by SCC Editorial, Eastern Book Company.

6.     Smita Narula, Broken People : Caste violence against India’s Untouchables, Human Rights Watch.

7.     K.B Saxena, Report on Prevention of Atrocities against Scheduled Castes, National Human Rights Commission, 2002.

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