Syllabus LLB III


Syllabus LLB 


Syllabus of 
Fifth Year B.A. LL.B., 
Fifth Year B.B.A. LL.B. and 
Third Year  LL.B.
Fifth Year B.A. LL.B.    - Semester IX Fifth Year B.B.A. LL.B.  - Semester IX Third Year LL.B.     - Semester V


LC 0901 Civil Procedure Code :                                Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : The Civil Procedure Code, 1906 is subject of daily use by the Civil Courts and lawyers. Students cannot afford to have scant knowledge of civil procedure when he goes out to practice as a lawyer. It is necessary to have good grounding in the subject before one enters the profession. The substantive law determines the rights of persons affected by action. The main objective of this course is to give to a student a thorough knowledge of procedural law especially related to working of civil courts and other adjudicating authorities.


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LC 0902 Interpretation of Statutes :                               Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : This course aims to acquaint the students with basic principles of interpretation of statute. It focuses on general and specific rules of interpretation of statutes. It also prescribes the guidelines on interpretation of remedial, penal and taxing statutes. It provides for internal and external aids for interpretation of statutes. It also contains the rules regulating commencement, operation and repeal of statutes. It prescribes the principles for interpretation of Constitutional document.


LC 0903 Environmental Law :                                 Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : The environmental pollution and degradation of biodiversity has become one of the biggest hazards not only to human existence but also to the existence of all the gifts that nature has bestowed on mankind. Unless immediate and urgent steps are taken to control environmental pollution, a bleak and terrible future awaits the humanity. This fact has accelerated the emergence of different legal and governmental measures at national and international level for prevention of environmental pollution. This course aims to create awareness among the students about the legislative measures for protection of environment and spirit of Indian Constitution for protection of environment. It also provides the opportunities to the students to understand the activist role played by Indian Judiciary in protection of environment and evolution of different principles such as polluter pay principle, precautionary principle, inter-generational equity and sustainable development. At the end of this course the students would be familiar with the overall environmental legal regime of the country as well as its international obligations. This course would equip the students with basic knowledge and skills to understand Environmental Law issues.

LP 0904 Practical Training Paper III - Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance :

                               Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course :  This course relates to essential skills required by an Advocate - the skill of drafting, conveyances and pleadings. An advocate can develop this skill by practicing purposive writing, articulation, legal research, qualities of language, its clarity and precision. The object of the course is to develop these advocacy skills amongst the students.  This course will also acquaint the students the knowledge of substantive and procedural law in the context of pleadings and conveyance. This course aims to acquaint the students with basic principles as to the skill of drafting of various types of Applications, Petitions, Notices, Plaints, Written Statements, etc. The goal of the course is to help the students to understand application of substantive and procedural laws in drafting, pleading and conveyance.

 Optional Subject 5 (Any one from the following) :


LO 0905 Law on Education :                                 Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : This course aims to acquaint the students with constitutional provisions guaranteeing the right to education and other statutory provisions. It also acquaints the students with the mechanism of regulation of education by Government. It provides the students with the judicial and legislative developments in the field of right to education. It introduces the students with the changing scenario in the field of higher education.


LO 0906 Principles of Taxation Law :                                 Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : This course aims to acquaint the students with basic principles of taxation. It highlights the important principles of computation of income. It provides important tenets of calculation of income of natural and legal person. It also prescribes for powers and functions of various authorities under Income Tax Act. It provides the important features of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act and Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act. 


LO 0907 Law of Forensic Science :                                 Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : Forensic science plays a very important role in criminal law justice system. It helps in determination of the guilt of a suspected criminal, and ascertains various facts in a case by scientifically testing various types of evidences collected during criminal investigation. A Prosecutor or a Judge is an expert in the field of law but may lack in-depth scientific knowledge, which may be necessary in different cases to ascertain the facts and circumstances of the case in order to prove the case “beyond reasonable doubts” and to attribute criminal liability to the accused person. Therefore, expert opinion of scientists and doctors are invited by the courts whenever evidences are scientifically examined. 

The aim of this course is to explain the concept of forensic science and its role in criminal law. This course will give an overview as to what kind of evidences are collected and scientifically tested in various crimes, how the result of these tests and expert opinion are useful in investigations and trials and its evidentiary value. 


LO 0908 Land Laws I :                                                  Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : Land rights refer to the inalienable ability of individual to freely obtain, use, and possess land at their discretion, as long as their activities on the land do not impede on other individuals’ rights. The purpose of the course, divided in two semesters, is to acquaint the students about laws that govern the use and dealing with land and buildings, and regulation and control of activities concerning land.

This course deals with laws that mainly affect urban properties, their development and dealings. With a sound background of law of transfer of property, this course equips the student with all other laws that affect use and dealings of land, and activities that enable its best use. Although much of course content involves laws in force in the State of Maharashtra, the principles governing these laws are common across laws on the subjects in other states. 



LO 0909 International Law on Air, Space and Sea :                   Go to Assignment LLB III Sem V 


Objectives of the Course : International Law of Air, Space and Sea are the part of the jurisdictional perspective of a State. The aim of the course is to subtly introduce to the students, the significance of Air, Space and Law of the Sea as the basic components of International Law with a background of Indian perspective. Law of Air, Space and Sea constitutes as an important resource zones for the sustainability of nation states the course introduces the basic percept’s of these areas with current developments.



Fifth  Year B.A. LL.B.  -  Semester X 
Fifth Year B.B.A. LL.B.  - Semester X 
Third Year LL.B.          - Semester VI


LC 1001 Criminal Procedure Code :


Objectives of the Course : The procedural law providing for a fair procedure is significant for a just society. The Criminal Procedure has to be just, fair and reasonable to the accused as well as to the victims. At the same time it confronts a crises of intrusion into individual rights in order to protect the common weal. The criminal process involves increasing expenditure of government resources. Criminal procedure, thus, makes a balance of conflicting interests. Thus, a duty is imposed on all those who are connected with the working of the criminal process to abide by the law and to exercise discretion conferred on them in the best manner. The main object of the course is to familiarize students with the working of the criminal justice delivery system and also to make them understand the significant riddles of the procedure. The course is aimed at driving home the students how the pre-trial, trial and the subsequent process are geared up to make the administration of criminal justice effective. The Course will acquaint the students with organisation of the functionaries under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, their powers and functions. The teacher, in addition, shall endeavor to familiarize the students with the case papers like, FIR, Police statement, charge sheet, etc.



LC 1002 Administrative Law :


Objectives of the Course : It is expected that the Administrative Law should be specifically deals with delivering two fundamental aspects of good governance - (a) firstly rule based administration that ensure transparency in discretion based administration to avoid arbitrariness and (b) secondly delivery of administrative justice in furtherance of a welfare functions of the State where in litigative justice may not be accountable, efficient and effective.

With the emergence of a State as a welfare institution its administration and administrative law have become all-pervading factor across the world, The aim of this course is to study the structure, governance, organization, powers and function or public authorities in India. The expansion of the powers of the necessities to undertake a scrutiny of its various functions - Legislative, executive as well as judicial. The Administrative law in India is essentially a judge made law and therefore students are expected to be familiar and acquainted with the development of the subject with leading cases. The students will also be able to understand (a) concepts and principles governing administrative law, (b) appreciate role, powers and functions of administrative organs, and (c) appreciate recent development of administrative law.



LC 1003 Company Law :


Objectives of the Course : Company legislation in India owes its origin to the English company law. Modern business ventures require knowledge of company law. There have been considerable changes in company law over last few years. These Changes have put more responsibility on the shoulder of Directors. A company has to comply with lot of procedures as covered under the Companies Act, 2013, Listing agreement, the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and regulations. Moreover, corporate Governance is now actively being implemented in various corporate houses. Law students are expected to study these changes thoroughly and minutely. The Company Act, 2013 seems to strengthen the Corporate Governance. This course provides study of company law in detail which is essential for budding lawyers.  



LP 1004 Practical Training Paper IV - Moot Court Exercise and Internship :


Objectives of the Course : This course consists the activities / exercises of (a) Moot court exercises,  (b) Observance of trials, and (c) Pre-trial preparations. The objectives of the course is to acquaint the students about – (a) court working and its procedure, (b) application substantive and procedural law to given facts, (c) court manners and discipline, (d) conversance with interview techniques and pre-trial preparations, (e) developing skills of arguments and presentation, and (f) learning skills of analysis and arrangement of facts. 


Optional Subject 6 (Any one from the following) :


LO 1005 Election Law :


Objectives of the Course : This course aims to acquaint the students with the vital elements of democracy. It prescribes the students with the constitutional and legislative aspects of representation. The elections are conducted according to the constitutional provisions, supplemented by laws made by Parliament. Those major laws are : (a) the Representation of the People Act, 1950, which mainly deals with the preparation and revision of electoral rolls, (b) the Representation of the People Act, 1951 which deals, in detail, with all aspects of conduct of elections and post election disputes, (c) the Delimitation Act, 2002, which deals with the readjustment of the allocation of seats in the House of the People and the division of each State and each Union territory into territorial constituencies for elections to the House of the People and Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories, (d) the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952The Course provides the students with the process of conduct of election and related aspects. It also provides the students with judicial perspectives on electoral reforms. It acquaints the students with redressal mechanism for election disputes.

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LO 1006 Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law :


Objectives of the Course : The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 consolidated and amended the law relating to reorganization and insolvency resolution of corporations, partnership firms, and individuals. The Course will give the student an overview of the new law that not only opens opportunities for specialized practice in this area, but also in the course of transacting, and due diligence investigation. The student will apprise of the Insolvency resolution process, the distinction between Insolvency and Bankruptcy, the function of regulation in this area, the functioning of various authorities.



LO 1007 Comparative Criminal Justice System :


Objectives of the Course : Comparative research earlier was a luxury. It served to broaden one’s horizons. Today, comparative research is a necessity. In the criminal justice system the only way to effectively prevent and combat crime on the world stage is via the harmonisation and the coordination of national and international efforts. That requires up-to-date and intimate knowledge of criminal justice arrangements abroad. This necessitates the appreciation of meaningful and valuable differences, stemming from culture, history and social discourse, which help shape criminal justice arrangements in places quite different from our own. The academic endeavour of comparative criminal justice requires detailed understanding of not just criminal justice process but also the actors involved in it and the society that forms the backdrop to these process.



LO 1008 Land Laws II :


Objectives of the Course : This course deals with laws dealing with agricultural and other lands, their use, holding, management and dealings. With a sound background of law of transfer of property, this course will equip the student with all other laws that affect use and dealings of land, and activities that enable its best use. Agricultural land is subject to such control and regulation as would enable its most effective and efficient use. Although much of course content involves laws in force in the State of Maharashtra, the principles governing these laws are common across laws on the subjects in other states. 

LO 1009 Humanitarian and Refugee Law :


Objectives of the Course : The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the expanding horizons of a branch of international law. The law of war is today popularly referred to as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). A number of issues arise out of humanitarian consideration, which fixes responsibilities on the nation-states to discharge their traditional responsibility under International Law. In view of the expanding tenants of international law of human rights, war and the various issues and crimes of individuals have to be dealt in without violating the international norms. In this course, the student is presented an overview of various aspects and institutional mechanism that has been developed over the years by states parties.

The second part on Refugee Law is also critically important and again brings forth the responsibility on nation-states to discharge their obligations in the prevention of Statelessness and the resultant consequences that arise out of loss of nationality. In view of the compelling jurisprudence of Human Rights Law, the states have an onerous duty to extend protection to people who lose their nationality for no fault of us. In this area again the aspects of Human Rights highlights that Individuals being a subject and object of international law, the responsibility of the States to protect the rights that are guaranteed under various international legal instruments.


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