Monday, 21 August 2023

Syllabus LO 1009 Humanitarian and Refugee Law


Fifth Year B.A. LL.B.    - Semester X 

Fifth Year B.B.A. LL.B.  - Semester X 

Third Year LL.B.      - Semester VI

Optional Subject 6 (Any one from the following) : 

LO 1009 Humanitarian and Refugee Law : 

Objectives of the Course : The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the expanding horizons of a branch of international law. The law of war is today popularly referred to as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). A number of issues arise out of humanitarian consideration, which fixes responsibilities on the nation-states to discharge their traditional responsibility under International Law. In view of the expanding tenants of international law of human rights, war and the various issues and crimes of individuals have to be dealt in without violating the international norms. In this course, the student is presented an overview of various aspects and institutional mechanism that has been developed over the years by states parties.

The second part on Refugee Law is also critically important and again brings forth the responsibility on nation-states to discharge their obligations in the prevention of Statelessness and the resultant consequences that arise out of loss of nationality. In view of the compelling jurisprudence of Human Rights Law, the states have an onerous duty to extend protection to people who lose their nationality for no fault of us. In this area again the aspects of Human Rights highlights that Individuals being a subject and object of international law, the responsibility of the States to protect the rights that are guaranteed under various international legal instruments.


Module 01

Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) :

1.     History and Development of IHL

2.     Application of IHL - Martens Clause

3.     Definition of Armed Conflict - International Armed Conflict and Noninternational Armed Conflict - Common Articles 2-3

4.     International Law and Humanitarian Law

5.     IHL and Human Rights

Module 02

Protected Persons and Conduct of Hostilities :

1. Wounded, The Sick, The Shipwrecked



2.     Prisoners of War

3.     Medical, Religious and Relief Personnel

4.     Protection of Civilians

5.     Protection of Women and Protection of Children

6.     Protection of Cultural Property

7.     Means of Warfare

8.     Methods of Warfare

Module 03

Implementation of IHL and Institutional Mechanisms :

1.              Basic issues involved in Implementation of IHL

2.              Implementation of Law at National Level

3.              Grave Breaches of Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols

4.              Role of ICRC

5.              War Crimes Tribunals - an Overview

6.              International Criminal Court - Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions 7. Conventions and Protocols to be covered in this area : 

a)     The First Geneva Convention Protects Wounded and Sick Soldiers on

Land During War, 1949

b)    The      Second            Geneva            Convention     Protects             Wounded,        Sick     and

Shipwrecked Military Personnel at Sea During War, 1949

c)     The Third Geneva Convention Applies to Prisoners of War

d)    The Fourth Geneva Convention Affords Protection to Civilians, Including in Occupied Territory

e)     Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts

(Protocol I), 8 June 1977

f)     Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed

Conflicts (Protocol II), 8 June 1977

g)    Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem, (Protocol III), 8 December, 2005

8. Judicial Decisions :

a)     International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

b)    International Military Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo)

c)     International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

d)    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

e)     Special Court for Sierra Leone

Module 04

Contemporary Challenges :

1.     Respect for IHL

2.     IHL and Terrorism

3.     Private Military Contractors 

4.     New Methods of Warfare – Drones, Cyber Warfare, Autonomous Weapon Systems

Module 05

Introduction to International Refugee Law :

1.     Historical Background of Refugee Law

2.     Meaning and Definition of Refugee under various International Documents

3.     Difference between Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

4.     Human Rights and Refugees – an overview

Module 06

International Framework for Refugee Protection :

1.     Asylum

2.     Protection

3.     Non-refoulement

4.     Non-discrimination

5.     Family Unity

6.     Durable Solutions

7.     International Cooperation, Burden Sharing, Extradition of Refugee, voluntary, Repatriation, Naturalization

8.     Role of UNHCR in the Protection and Promotion of Refugee Rights - an Overview

Module 07

Refugees in Indian Context :

1.     Legal and Constitutional Provisions

2.     Reasons for non Signatory to Refugee Convention,

3.     Role of Indian Government in Protecting Refugees

4.     Role of NHRC and Judiciary


Recommended Readings :

1.     Kavin M. Cahill, Basics of International Humanitarian Missions (2003).

2.     V. K. Ahuja, Public International Law, LexisNexis (2016).

3.     ICRC, International Humanitarian Law : A Comprehensive  Introduction (2016) : Available at :

4.     ICRC, International Humanitarian Law : Answers to your questions, (2015) Available at:

5.     ICRC, Summary of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and their Additional Protocols (Second Edition, 2012).

6.     M.K. Balachandran and Rose Varghese, eds., Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (1997).

7.     Fleck, Dieter, ed., The Handbook of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts (1998).

8.     Frits Kalshoven, Liesbeth Zegveld, Constraints on the Waging of War : An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (2001).

9.     Durham, Helen, McCormack, Timothy L. H., eds., The Changing Face of Conflict and the Efficacy of International Humanitarian Law (1999).

10.  Lindsay Moir, The Historical Development of the Application of Humanitarian Law in Non- International Armed Conflicts to 1949, Vol. 47 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 337-61 (1998).

11.  R. K. Dixit, R. K. P. Shankardass, C. Jayaraj, and Manoj K. Sinha, International Criminal Law: Issues and Challenges (2009), Indian Society of International Law.

12.  B.S. Chimni, ed., International Refugee Law : A Reader (2000), Sage Publications.

13.  Carlier, Jean Yves, et. al., Who is a Refugee? A Comparative Case Law Study (1997).

14.  Goodwin, Gill, Guy S., McAdam, Jane, The Refugee in International Law (3rd edn,) 2014, Oxford.

15.  James C. Hathaway, The Rights of Refugees Status under International Law (2014) Cambridge.

16.  Arjun Nair, National Refugee Law for India : Benefits and Roadblocks (2007).

17.  South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre (SAHRDC), Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Developments in Indian and International Law (2008).

18.  UNHCR and IPU, Refugee Protection : A Guide to International Refugee Law (2001).

19.  Ragini Trakroo, et. al., Refugee and the Law (2005).

20.  Bimal N. Patel : The State Practice of India and International Law (2016). 





Note for Syllabus of all Subjects : 

1.     The students are advised to refer latest editions of the books / readings recommended. The list of recommended readings is given for the general information and understanding of the students. However, students are advised to refer any other standard book or other material available. In case student finds no recommended readings for any topic of the syllabus, the students may refer any standard book or other material available. The students are also advised to refer E-Resources.  

2.     The students shall also refer and study the latest amendments in the concerned law. Such amendment in law shall become a part of a syllabus of concerned subject and shall be operative with effect from the academic year immediately next to the academic year in which amendment in the concerned law becomes operative.

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