Monday, 21 August 2023

Syllabus LO 0907 Law of Forensic Science


Fifth Year B.A. LL.B.    - Semester IX 

Fifth Year B.B.A. LL.B.  - Semester IX 

Third Year LL.B.      - Semester V

Optional Subject 5 (Any one from the following) :

LO 0907 Law of Forensic Science :

LO 0907 Law of Forensic Science :


Objectives of the Course : Forensic science plays a very important role in criminal law justice system. It helps in determination of the guilt of a suspected criminal, and ascertains various facts in a case by scientifically testing various types of evidences collected during criminal investigation. A Prosecutor or a Judge is an expert in the field of law but may lack in-depth scientific knowledge, which may be necessary in different cases to ascertain the facts and circumstances of the case in order to prove the case “beyond reasonable doubts” and to attribute criminal liability to the accused person. Therefore, expert opinion of scientists and doctors are invited by the courts whenever evidences are scientifically examined. 

The aim of this course is to explain the concept of forensic science and its role in criminal law. This course will give an overview as to what kind of evidences are collected and scientifically tested in various crimes, how the result of these tests and expert opinion are useful in investigations and trials and its evidentiary value. 


    Module 01   Constitutional Rights and Law of Forensic Science :

1.     Right to Privacy and Right against Self Incrimination - with leading cases

2.     Meaning of Forensic Science

3.     Development of forensic science

4.     Scope of forensic science

5.     Importance of forensic science in Criminal Law

a)     Role of forensic science in understanding criminal psychology

b)    Role of forensic science in criminal investigation

c)     Role of forensic science in court of law

d)    Role of forensic science with respect to questioned documents

e)     Digital evidences and forensic science

f)     Role of forensic science in cyber crimes

6.     Forensic Experts and Relevancy of their opinion: 

a)     Crime scene investigator

b)    Firearms Examiner

c)     Document Examiner

d)    Forensic Anthropologist

e)     Computer Forensics Expert

f)     Psychiatrist and behavioural scientist, etc.


Module 02

Criminal Psychology and Forensic Science :

1. Brain Fingerprinting :

a)              Meaning of brain mapping

b)             Underlying principle behind brain mapping

c)              Importance of brain mapping

d)             Lie detection technique

e)              Use of Brain fingerprinting in criminal investigation

f)              Brain fingerprinting in India-Guidelines by Supreme Court and NHRC

g)             Evidentiary Value in the court of law 2. Narcoanalyasis : 

a)              Meaning of Narcoanalysis

b)             Scientific Theory behind narcoanalysis

c)              Precautions before conducting the tests

d)             Presence of Experts

e)              Narcoanalysis in India-Guidelines of Supreme Court, NHRC

f)              Rights of the accused person

g)             Importance of Narcoanalysis in criminal investigation

h)             Evidentiary value in Court of Law 3. Polygraph Test : 

a)              Meaning of polygraph test

b)             Theory behind polygraph test

c)              Application and utility

d)             Legal and Constitutional Status in India

e)              Evidentiary Value

f)              Judicial Precedents related to polygraph test 4. Handwriting Analysis:

a)     Meaning of handwriting analysis

b)    Underlying principles for handwriting analysis

c)     Uses of Handwriting Analysis in understanding the character and personality traits of a criminal and ascertaining certain facts during investigation and as an alternative method for lie detection. 

d)    Evidentiary value of handwriting analysis

e)     Judicial approach

f)     Role of handwriting expert and evidentiary value of expert opinion on handwriting

Module 03

Role of Forensic Science in Investigation of Crime :

1. Introduction :

a)                  Types of Crimes

b)                  Importance of forensics in various types of crimes 2. Legal Procedure after Commission of a Crime :

a)     Inquest-by Police and Magistrate

b)    Courts of Law

c)     Summons

d)          Record of evidence

e)          Medical evidences - certificates, reports, dying declaration, etc.

f)           Witnesses - common, experts, conduct and duties of doctors

g)          Preservation of medico - legal evidence at the crime scene 3. Autopsy : 

a)     Objectives of Autopsy

b)    Requirements 

c)     Protocol

d)    Exhumation

e)     Identification

f)     Time of death

g)    Sudden unexpected deaths

h)    Instantaneous psychological deaths

i)      Autopsy in traffic accidents

j)      Age estimation 

k)    Starvation deaths

l)      Burns

m)   Asphyxial deaths

n)    Rape

o)    Abortion

p)    Poison

4.     DNA Finger Printing : 

a)     Meaning of DNA fingerprinting

b)    Principles 

c)     Status of DNA fingerprinting in India

d)    Powers of Investigating agency

e)     Role in crime investigation

f)     Judicial Approach

g)    Evidentiary Value

5.     Fingerprint Forensics :

a)     Meaning of fingerprint forensics

b)    Importance and role in criminal investigation

c)     Techniques for collection

d)    Law relating to fingerprints

e)     Power of investigating officers

f)     Power of Courts

g)    Provisions under Criminal Procedure Code, and Indian Evidence Act -

Section 45

h)    Judicial Approach

i)      Evidentiary Value

6.     Forensic Detection Dogs :

a)     Concept of sniffer dogs

b)    Role of such dogs



c) Evidentiary value

Module 04

Law Relating to Ballistics : 1. Meaning and Scope 2. Firearms : 

a)              Definition of arms under the Arms Act, 1959;

b)             Prohibited Arms under the Arms Act, 1959;

c)              Definition of firearms;

d)             Types of firearms;

e)              Evidence collection

f)              Evidentiary value of firearm examination 3. Ballistics Expert :

a)     Role of a ballistics expert

b)    Opinion

c)     Reliability and admissibility of such opinion

Module 05

Questioned Documents and Forensic Science :

1.     Meaning of questioned documents - (offences related to documents)

2.     Sources of questioned documents

3.     Proof of signature

4.     Handwriting analysis with respect to the documents

5.     Report of an expert

6.     Evidentiary Value

7.     Typewritten Documents

Module 06

Modern Techniques for Collection of Evidences and Role of Forensic Science : 

1.     Digital and Video Recordings

2.     CCTV Cameras

3.     Mobile Phone forensics

4.     Voice Analysis

5.     Evidentiary value of each of the above

Module 07

Cyber Forensics : 

1.     Meaning of cyber forensics

2.     Role of cyber forensics

3.     Importance of cyber forensics

4.     Relevant Provisions under -

a)                  The Information Technology Act, 2000

b)                  The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 5. Cyber Crimes :

a)     Pornography 

b)    Cyber Stalking

6.     Crime Investigation

7.     Digital Evidence Collection

8.     Evidentiary Value of such Evidence

9.     Judicial Approach - Landmark Cases


Recommended Readings : 

1.     Martin D’Souza and R.P Kataria, Forensic Science in Criminal Trial and Investigation, Orient Publishing Co.

2.     Kevin J. Strom and Mathew J. Hiccman, Forensic Science and the Administration of Justice - Critical Issues and Directions, SAGE Publications, (Chapters: 1, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13).

3.     Modi’s Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, 23rd Ed. Publisher - LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa.

4.     C.K Parikh, Parikh’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, CBS Publishers and Distributors.

5.     B.R Sharma, Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trials, Universal Law Publication, 

6.     Dr R. Krishnamurti, Forensic Science in Crime Investigation.

7.     B.S Nabar, Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, Asia Law House.

8.     Medico-Legal Manuals. 

Note for Syllabus of all Subjects : 

1.     The students are advised to refer latest editions of the books / readings recommended. The list of recommended readings is given for the general information and understanding of the students. However, students are advised to refer any other standard book or other material available. In case student finds no recommended readings for any topic of the syllabus, the students may refer any standard book or other material available. The students are also advised to refer E-Resources.  

2.     The students shall also refer and study the latest amendments in the concerned law. Such amendment in law shall become a part of a syllabus of concerned subject and shall be operative with effect from the academic year immediately next to the academic year in which amendment in the concerned law becomes operative.

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