1. Explain the history of International Law with Special reference to various
contributions for its development and codification.
2. Critically summarize the various definitions of International law. Which
definition is more appropriate according to you? Give reasons.
3. Discuss various theories of relationship between International Law and
4. What are the main sources of International Law? Discuss Custom and
Treaties as Important Sources of International Law.
5. What is mean by ‘State responsibility’? Discuss the responsibility arising out
of acts of States.
6. Whether International Law is a vanishing point of Jurisprudence?
Substantiate your opinion with appropriate reasoning.
7. Explain the various modes of acquisition of territorial sovereignty.
8. What are the various amicable means of settlement in international
Disputes? Illustrate your answer from international practice.
9. Explain the immunities and Privileges of Diplomatic Agents.
10. Explain the doctrine of State Succession. Write the details about rights and
liabilities arising out of State Succession.
11. What are the basic purposes and principles of United Nations? Explain the
basic purpose, principles and membership of United Nations.
12. Whether International Law is a true Law? Discuss the various theories of
International Law.
13. Critically examine the various theories relating to Subjects of International
14. Define Extradition. Explain the Exceptions to the Political offences.
15. What is recognition? What is legal significance of recognition? What are the
forms of recognition?
16. Discuss the composition, jurisdiction and functions of International Court
of Justice.
17. Explain the role of the Security Council for the maintenance of peace and
security. How far it has achieved it?
18. Explain about various Subjects of International law. Define the term State
with various kinds of State.
19. What do you mean by settlement of International dispute? Explain in detail
the “Coercive means” of settlement of International dispute.
20. Discuss the Composition, Functions and Powers of the General Assembly of
the United Nations.
1. Asylum.
2. Veto.
3. Extradition.
4. Dualistic Theory.
5. General Assembly
6. Coercive means of Settlement of International Dispute.
7. World Health Organization
8. United Nations.
9. Pacta Sunt Servanda.
10. Ratification of Treaties
11. Security Council.
12. De-Facto and De-Jure Recognition
13. International Court of Justice.
15. World Trade Organization
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