LC 0601 Constitutional Law I
Module 01 Making of the Constitution :
- Cabinet mission plan
- Mountbatten plan
- Independence Act
Module 02 Basic Concepts, Preamble, Territory of India and Citizenship
- Constitutional law and Constitutionalism
- Salient features
- Preamble
- Citizenship Art. 5-11
Module 03 General Principles Relating to Fundamental Rights (Articles 12 and 13) :
- Doctrine of Severability
- Doctrine of Eclipse
- Doctrine of waiver
Module 04 Right to Equality (Articles 14 to 18) :
- Art. 14-18
Module 05 Right to Freedom I (Article 19) :
- Art. 19(1)(a), 19(1)(g), 2
Module 06 Right to Freedom II (Articles 20 to 22)
- Protection in respect of conviction for offences
- Right to life and personal liberty
Module 07 Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 and 24) :
- Art. 23-24
Module 08 Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25 to 28)
- Art. 25-28
Module 09 Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29 to 30) :
- Right of minority to establish educational institution
Module 10 Right to Constitutional Remedies (Articles 32 to 35)
- Art. 32 & 226
- Public interest litigation
Module 11 Directive Principles of State Policy (Articles 36 to 51) and Fundamental Duties (Article 51A)
- Art. 51(A)
Module 12 Amendment of the Constitution (Article 368)
- Art. 368
Articles. Subject matter
Citizenship Act 1955 Provisions under the constitution of india
(Article 5 to 11)
A. Citizen by domicile
Article 5- Citizenship at the commencement of the constitution
B. Citizen by migration
Article 6-Rights of citizenship of certain person who have migrated to india from Pakistan
Article 7- Right of citizenship of certain migrants to pakistan
C. Citizen by registration
Article 8- Rights of citizenship of certain persons Of india origin, residing outside india
D. Other constitutional provisions
Article 9- persons voluntarily acquining citizenship of a foreign state, not to be citizen
Article 10- Continuance of the rights of citizenship
Article 11- parliament to regulate the right citizenship by law
Article 12.Definition of state
Article 13 Laws inconsistent with fundamental rights
Right To Equality ( Article 14-18)
Article 14. Equality before law & Equal protection of law
The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”
Air india vs Nargesh meerza,
Mithu v State of Punjab,
NLSA Vs Union of india,(Transgender)
Indian young's lawyer association vs state of kerala,sabarimala temple(Menstruating years)
Maneka gandhi vs union of india
Article 15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
15(1)The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on ground only religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth or any of them
15(2) shop ghat
15(3) special provision for woman & children
15(4) SEBC & sc st 1 st amendment
15(5) SEBC & sc st 93 am educational institutions
15(6) ews 103 am 10% Obc 27 %
State of madras vs Champakan dorairajan
Mr balaji vs state of mysore
State of u.p vs pravin tandon
Obc 27% sc15% st7% open 50.5%
Article 16. Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment
Article 17 Abolition of untouchability & Prohibition of its practice.
Untouchability (offences) act -1955
Protection of civil rights act-1955
500 rs or 6 month impri or both NC
Article 17 available against private individuals too
Article 18 Abolition of titles except militory and academic.
बालाजी राघवण vs UOI
Right To Freedom ( Article 19-22)
Article 19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech & expression, assembly, association, movement,residence,profession.
19(1)(a)-Right to freedom of speech and expression
-scope of freedom of speech & expression
Freedom of the press
Right to know & obtain information
Right to know antecedents of the candidate at the election
Right to reply
Right to silence
Right to fly the national flag
Romesh thappar vs state of madras
19(2) Reasonable restrictions on the right to freedom of speech & expression
1) Sovereignity & integrity of india
2) Security of the state
3) Contempt of court
4) Defamation
5) Friendly relations with foreign state
6) incitement (Abetment)to an offence
7) public order,decency or morality
19(1)(b)-Right to assemble peaceably & without arm
19(3) Reasonable restrictions on the right to assemble peaceably & without arm
1) in the interest of the sovereignity & integrity of india
2) in the interest if the public order
Himmat lal vs police commissioner of bombay
19(1)(c)-Right to form associations or unions or co-operative societies
19(4) Reasonable restrictions on the right to form associations or unions or co-operative societies
1) in the interest of the sovereignity & integrity of india
2) in the interest if the public order or morality
Damyanti vs union of india
19(1)(d)-Right to move freely throughout the territory of india.
19(5) Reasonable restrictions on the right to move freely throughout the territory of india
1) in the interest of the general public
2) for the protection of the interest of any schedule tribe
Chambara soy vs union of india
A.k gopalan vs state of madras
19(1)(e)-Right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of india
Reasonable restrictions on the right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of india
1) in the interest of the general public
2) for the protection of the interest of any schedule tribe
19(1)(g)-Right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation,trade or business
19(6) Reasonable restrictions on the right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation,trade or business
1)By imposing reasonable restrictions in the interest of general public
2)By state monopoly
Vishaka vs state of Rajasthan
Article 20. Protection in respect of conviction for offences.
20(1) Ex-post facto law
kedarnath va state of west bengal
Ratanlal vs state of punjab
20(2) Double Jeopardy
Thomas das vs state of punjab
maqbool hussain vs state of bombay
Sea custom authority & foreign exchange regulation act
20(3)Right against Self Incrimination
Yusufali vs state of Maharashtra
State vs m krishna mohan
Article 21. Protection in respect of life and personal liberty
Article 21 declares that no person shall be deprived of his life of personal liberty except according to procedure established by law
A.k gopalan vs state of madras
Maneka ghandi vs union of india
Kharak singh vs state of punjab
21 A. Right to elementary education 06-14 Yr
Article 22 Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
Punitive detention
Preventive detention
A.k gopalan vs state of madras
Right Agaist Exploitation ( Article 23-24)
Article 23. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
1 Selling & buying men,women,children like goods
2 Immora traffick in women and children including prostitution
3 devadasis
4 slavery
PUDR vs Union of india
Gaurav jain vs Union of india
Article 24. Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc.
PUDR vs Union of india
M.c mehta vs state of tamilnadu
Right To Freedom Of Religion ( Article 25-28)
Article 25. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.
Article 25 says all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.
a) Freedom of conscience
b) Right to profess
c) Right to practice
d) Right to propagate
Sikh-wearing & carrying kirpans
Hindu-Sikhs Jains Buddhists.
Article 26. Freedom of manage religious affairs
Article 27. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion
Article 28. Freedom from attending religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions.
a) institutions wholly maintained by the state
Religious institutions is completely prohibited
b) institutions administreted by the state but established under any trust
Religious institutions is permitted
c) institutions recognised by the state
d) institutions receiving aid from the state
c&d religious institutions is permitted on a voluntary basis
Cultural & Educational Right ( Article 29-30) Religious minorities- linguistic minorities
Article 29. Protection of language script and culture of minorities
Article 29 provides that any citizen residing in any part of india having a different language,script or culture shall have the same right.further,no citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the state or receiving aid from state on ground of religion,race,caste,& language.
Article 29 applies to minorities as well as majorities
Article 30. Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
Minority educational institutions are of three types
a) institutions that seek recognition as well as aid from the state
b) institutions that seek only recognition from the state and not aid
c)institutions that neither seek recognition not aid from the state
Right To Constitutional Remedies ( Article 32-35)
Article 32. Right to move the supreme court for the enforcement of fundamental rights including the writs to.(bookstawa) Supreme court ruled the article 32 is a basic feature of the constitution hence it can not taken away even by the way of amendment to the constitution
(Power of supreme courts to issue certain writs)
1)Habeas corpus-to have the body
Issue against- Public authority & private individuals.
You can not use a writ of habeus corpus in the following 4 condition
-Detention is lawful
-Contempt of court
-Detention is outside of the jurisdiction of the court
-Detention is by a competent court
-case law rudul sha vs state of bihar
2)Mandamus-we command
Issue against- Public official to perform public duty
You can not issue a writ of mandamus against
Private individuals governor president cji
Case law-Gujrat state financial corporation vs lotus hotel
3)Prohibition-to forbid
Issue higher court to lower court
To order some one to not to do something
The writ of Prohibition can be issued only against judicial or quasi judical authority
You can not issue a writ of Prohibition against
Legislative body and private individuals.
4)Certiorai-to be certified
Issue higher court to lower court
You can not issue a writ of certiorari against
Legislative body and private individuals.
5)Quo-Warrento-by what authority/warrant
Issue against- Public officer
You can not issue a writ of Quo-warranto against
Ministerial and private officer
Article 33.Armed forces & F.R
Article 34 Martial law & F.R
Article 51A Fundamental duties
Original constitution contained only the F.r and not F.d.
In 1976 congress party set up the sardar swaran singh committee.
Suggest 8 F D
42 nd constitution amendment act in 1976
Added new part namely IVA to the constitution
This new part consists of only one article that is,Article 51 A.
First time specified ten (10) F.d
86 th constitution amendment act In 2002
Added one more F.d
Now Currently there are 11 F.d
A-1 To respect national flag & national anthem
B-2 Follow ideals of the freedom struggle
C-3 Protect sovereignty unity & integrity of india
D-4 Defend the country & render national service when called upon
E-5 Sprit of common brotherhood
F-6 Preserve Composite Culture
G-7 To protect & improve the natural environment including forest's lake's river's & wildlife
H-8 To develop Scientific temper
I-9 Safeguard public property
J-10 Strive for excellence
K-11 To provide opportunities for education to a child or ward between the age of 6 to 14 years
Doctrine of Eclipse
According to doctrine of eclipse pre-constitutional law inconsistent with the fundamental rights are not void ab initio but only remains unenforceable.
Not declare null & void but keeping that law should be in a sleeping or dormant position for sometimes.
It is not totally dead but overshadowed by f.r
The doctrine of eclipse declares f.r as prospective in nature
Doctrine of eclipse applies to all laws pre-constitutional as well as post-constitutional.
Bhikaji vs state of m.p
State of bombay vs f.n balsara
Salient features of the constitution
1)Lengthiest written constitution
2)Drawn from various sources
3)Blend of Rigidity and flexibility
4)Federal system with unitary bias
5) Parliamentary form of government
6) synthesis of parliamentary sovereignty and judicial supremacy
7) integrated and independent judiciary
8) fundamental right
9) Directive principles of state policy
10) fundamental duties
11) A secular state
12) universal adult franchise
13) single citizenship
14) independent bodies
15) emergency provisions
16) Three-tier government
17) Co-operative Societies
Citizenship act 1955
Acquisition of cotizenship(NRI BDS)
1.By Birth
2.By Descent
3 By Registration
4 By Naturalisation
5 By Incorporation of Territory
6 Special provisions as to citizenship of person covered by the assam accord
Loss of citizenship (RTD)
1 By Renunciation
2 By Termination
3 By Deprivation
Non fundamental rights
Legal right
Constitutional right
Statutory right
Customary right
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