Module 01 |
Penology - Introduction
: 1.
Definition, nature and scope of Penology 2.
Crime Control Mechanism - a)
Police b) Court
Public Prosecutor d) Jail
Administration e)
Open Prison |
Module 02 |
Punishment : 1.
Concept of Punishment 2.
Theories of Punishment - a)
Deterrent Theory b) Retributive
Theory c)
Preventive Theory |
d) Reformative Theory 3.
Forms of Punishment 4.
Penal Policy in India |
Module 03 |
Police System in
India : 1.
Origin of Police 2.
Development of Police Organization 3.
Police Force in India 4.
Nature and Objectives of Indian Police System 5.
Police organization under the State Government
Police organization under the Central
Government 7.
Principles of Policing 8.
Legal functions of police 9.
Law Relating to Police Administration 10. Police
Reforms 11. Legislative
Trends 12. Judicial
Approaches 13. NHRC
guideline on Police-Public Relations |
Module 04 |
Prison System in
India : 1.
History of Prison System 2.
Prison in British India 3.
Role of Prison in Modern Penology 4.
Types of Prisons and Prisoners 5.
Problems of Prisons - a)
Over Crowding b) Basic
Amenities c)
Prison Discipline d) Prisoner’s
Health e)
Criminality in Prison f)
Problems of Under-trials 6.
Prison Reforms - a)
Commission on Prison Reforms b) Jurisprudence
of Prison Reforms c)
Legislative Trends d) Judicial
Trends |
Module 05 |
Open Prisons : 1.
Definition and Origin of Open Prison 2.
The Philosophy underlying the Open Prison 3.
Main Characteristics of Open Prisons 4.
Advantages of Open Prison 5.
Critical Appreciation of the working of Open
Prison |
Module 06 |
Parole : 1.
Meaning and Definition of Parole 2.
Concept of Parole |
Distinction between Parole and Indeterminate
Sentence 4.
Distinction between Parole and Furlough 5.
Comparison between Parole and Probation 6.
Parole in India 7.
Structural setup of Parole Boards and their
Functions 8.
Conditions of Parole 9.
Essentials of an Ideal Parole System 10. Judicial
Trend in India 11. Parole
Violation |
Module 07 |
Victimology - Victim
and Victimization : 1.
Victim – Meaning and Kinds 2.
Impact of Victimization - Physical, Economic
and Psychological 3.
Double / Secondary victimization 4.
Victimology - Definition, Nature and Scope 5.
Theories of Victimology - a)
The Precipitation Theory b) Life-style
Theory c)
Deviant Place Theory d) Routine
Activity Theory |
Module 08 |
Legal Perspectives
of Victim Assistance : 1.
Victim Assistance Program - a)
Evolution of Concept of Victim and Victimology
b) Victim’s
Rights - Approach at International and Municipal Jurisdiction. c)
Declaration of United Nations on Victims’
Rights d) Constitution
of India and Rights of Victims e)
Statutory Provisions - Code of Criminal
Procedure, Probation of Offenders Act 2.
Access to Justice - a)
Compensation to victims of crime b) Rights
of victims during trial c)
Legal assistance to the victims d) Role
of victim at time of granting bail e)
Right of victim to appeal |
Recommended Readings:
1. J.M.J.
Sethna, Society and the Criminal,
N.M. Tripathi Private Limited, (1989).
2. Shukla
Girjesh, Criminology, LexisNexis, New
Delhi, (2013).
3. N.V.
Paranjpe, Criminology and Penology with Victimology,
Central Law Publication, Allahabad, (1998).
4. J.P.S.
Sirohi, Criminology and Penology,
Allahbad Law Agency.
5. Ahmad
Siddique, Criminology and Penology,
Eastern Book Company.
6. Davis
Lurigo Herman, Victims of Crime, Sage
7. Schuffer
S., Victimology, The Victim and his
Criminal, Raston Publishing Co. Reston, Virginia.
8. Karmen
Andrew, Crime Victim: An Introduction to
Victimology, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
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