Module 01 |
Introduction: 1.
Introduction to Media and Communication 2.
Importance of Media in Democracy 3.
Kinds of Media 4.
Functions of Media – Information,
Surveillance, Service the economic system, Hold society together, Entertain,
Act as a community forum, Service the political system, etc. |
Module 02 |
History of Press and
Theories of Press : 1. Historical Foundations of Media Laws in UK, USA and India (Pre
and PostIndependence) |
International Law and Freedom of Media (UDHR,
ICCPR, ECOSOC etc.) 3.
Theories of Press - a)
Authoritarian Theory b) Libertarian
Theory c)
Communist Theory d) Theory
of Social Responsibility e)
Development Media Theory f)
Democratic Participant Media Theory |
Module 03 |
Framework of Freedom of Media in India : 1.
Free Speech and Constituent Assembly Debates
in India 2.
Freedom of Speech and Expression in Indian
Constitution 3.
Facets of Freedom of Speech and Expression a) Freedom
of Speech and Expression includes Freedom of Press b) Right to
Circulation c)
Right to Receive Information d) Right
to Advertise e)
Right to Telecast / Broadcast f)
Censorship 4.
Law Commission of India : 101st
Report on Freedom of Speech and Expression under Article 19 of the
Constitution - an Overview 5.
Reasonable Restrictions 6.
Legislative Privileges and Media 7.
Right to Privacy and Media 8.
Freedom of Media during emergency |
Module 04 |
Legal Dimensions of
Media : 1.
Media and Criminal Law (Sedition, Obscenity
and Defamation) 2.
Media and Law of Torts (Civil Law of
Defamation and Negligence) 3.
Media and Judiciary (Contempt of Court) 4.
Media and Executive - an Overview (The
Official Secrets Act, 1923, The Right to Information Act, 2005) 5.
Media and Journalists - an Overview (The
Working Journalists (Conditions of Service) Act, 1955) |
Module 05 |
Regulatory Framework
of Media : 1.
Methods of Regulation (Self Regulation and
Statutory Regulation) 2.
The Cinematograph Act, 1952 3.
The Cable Television Networks (Regulation)
Act, 1955 4.
The Prasar Bharti Act, 1990 5.
The Press Council of India Act, 1978 6.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act,
1997 7.
Advertising Standards Council of India and its
codes 8.
The Indecent Representation of Women Act, 1986
Module 06 |
Issues in Media Laws
: 1. Trial
by Media (Law Commission of India : 200th Report on Trial by
Media, |
Free Speech and Fair Trial under
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 - an Overview)
2. String
Operation and Media
3. Broadcasting
4. Taxation
and Media
5. Media
and Convergence
6. Infringement
of Intellectual Property Rights
7. Internet
and freedom of media
8. Violence
against Media persons and Law
9. Role
of media in electoral process (Press Council of India, Report on Paid News,
2010, Ministry of Law and Justice, Report of the Committee on Electoral
Reforms, 2010 - an Overview)
Recommended Readings:
1. P.M.
Bakshi - “Press Law – An Introduction”
BTRFI Publications, 1985.
2. D.D.
Basu - “Law of the Press”, LexisNexis
Butterworth’s Wadhwa, Nagpur.
3. Fred
Seaton Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm, “Four Theories of Press: The Authoritarian, Libertarian, Social
Responsibility, and Soviet Communist Concepts of what the Press should be and
Do”, University of Illinois Press, 1963.
4. Madhavi
Goradia - Divan - “Facets of Media Law”
Eastern Book Company.
5. M.P.
Jain “Indian Constitutional Law”
LexisNexis, Butterworths, Wadhwa, Nagpur.
6. Ram
Jethmalani and D. S. Chopra - “Cases and
Material on Media Law”, Thomson Reuters, New Delhi.
7. P.M.
Bakshi, “Law of Defamation - Some
Aspects”, N.M. Tripathi, Bombay.
8. Ursula
Smartt, “Media and Entertainment Law”,
Routledge, First Edition.
9. Kiran
Prasad, Media Law in India, Kluwer
Law International.
10. Vidisha
Barua, Press and Media Law Manual,
Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi.
11. B.
N. Ahuja, “History of Press, Press Laws
and Communications”, Surjeet Publications, Delhi.
12. Gokhale,
S. D., Sadhu, A., and Kuvalekar, V, (Eds). “Press
in India: On the Threshold of 21st Century”, Sakal Paper Trust, Pune.
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