Monday, 19 June 2023

LC 0802 Module 10 Jurisprudence - Concept of Person

 Jurisprudence - Concept of Person

    This article delves into the concept of person in jurisprudence. It explores the various aspects and considerations regarding the nature of personality and the legal status of different entities. This chapter also examines the different kinds of legal persons, the uses and purposes of incorporation, and the theories of legal personality.

Table of Content 

1. Introduction 
2. Nature of Personality - Natural and Legal
3. Legal Status of Lower Animals, Dead Persons, Unborn Persons
4. Kinds of Legal Persons
5. Uses and Purposes of Incorporation
6. Theories of Legal Personality
7. Conclusion 
8. References 

1. Introduction

    This article focuses on the concept of person in the field of law. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects and considerations related to personality and the legal status of different entities. Understanding the concept of person is fundamental in jurisprudence as it forms the basis for determining rights, obligations, and legal relationships.

    The chapter begins by setting the context and importance of studying the concept of person in jurisprudence. It highlights how the understanding of personality is essential for legal scholars, practitioners, and individuals navigating the legal system. By delving into this topic, readers will gain a deeper comprehension of the legal framework and its implications on different entities.

    The chapter proceeds to examine the nature of personality and its significance within the legal realm. It explores the distinction between natural and legal personalities. Natural personality refers to the inherent attributes and characteristics that make an individual a person. Legal personality, on the other hand, pertains to the recognition and protection granted by the law to certain entities, such as corporations and government bodies, as if they were individuals.

    Furthermore, the chapter explores the legal status of various entities that may not possess full legal personality. This includes lower animals, deceased individuals, and unborn persons. By analyzing the legal treatment of these entities, readers can understand the extent to which they are recognized and protected under the law, and the implications it has on their rights and obligations.

    The chapter also delves into the different kinds of legal persons recognized in jurisprudence. It examines the distinctions between natural persons and legal entities, such as corporations, government bodies, and other artificial entities. By understanding the characteristics, rights, and liabilities associated with each kind of legal person, readers can grasp the diverse legal landscape and the implications of different legal personhood statuses.

    Moreover, the chapter investigates the uses and purposes of incorporation. Incorporation is a legal process through which a legal entity, such as a corporation, is formed. This section explores the advantages and benefits of incorporation, including limited liability, perpetual succession, and separate legal personality. By understanding the uses and purposes of incorporation, readers can gain insights into why individuals and organizations choose this form of legal personhood for various endeavors.

    The chapter concludes by delving into the theories of legal personality. It examines different philosophical perspectives that underpin the concept of legal personhood. This includes the fictional theory, which treats legal personality as a legal fiction, the realist theory, which emphasizes the practical consequences of recognizing legal persons, and the institutional theory, which focuses on the societal and institutional context in which legal personality operates. By studying these theories, readers can develop a nuanced understanding of the basis, nature, and implications of legal personality.

    In summary, Chapter 10 provides a comprehensive exploration of the concept of person in jurisprudence. It covers various aspects, including the nature of personality, legal status of different entities, kinds of legal persons, uses and purposes of incorporation, theories of legal personality, and their relevance within the legal framework. This chapter equips readers with a solid foundation for understanding the complexities and implications of personhood in the field of law.

2. Nature of Personality - Natural and Legal

    In this section, we delve into the nature of personality and differentiate between natural and legal personalities. By exploring these distinct aspects, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes an individual as a person and the legal implications associated with personhood.

    Firstly, we examine the inherent characteristics and attributes that define an individual as a person. These characteristics go beyond mere physical existence and encompass qualities such as consciousness, rationality, autonomy, and moral agency. We delve into philosophical perspectives on personhood, drawing from various philosophical traditions and debates. By analyzing these perspectives, readers can gain insights into the nature of personhood and the criteria used to determine the legal recognition of individuals.

    Moving on, we explore the legal recognition and protection bestowed upon individuals as persons. Legal personality is the legal status that grants individuals certain rights, obligations, and legal capacities. We examine how legal systems recognize and protect natural persons, who possess inherent personhood attributes, such as human beings. Natural persons are generally afforded a wide range of rights and are subject to various legal responsibilities.

    In contrast, legal personality extends beyond natural persons to encompass other entities such as corporations, government bodies, and other artificial entities. We analyze how legal systems attribute legal personality to these entities, allowing them to possess rights, enter into contracts, sue or be sued, and be subject to legal obligations. By understanding the legal recognition of these entities as legal persons, readers can appreciate the complexities and implications of legal personality in a broader sense.

    Moreover, we explore the interplay between the philosophical and legal perspectives on personhood. Philosophy provides the foundation for understanding the fundamental nature of personhood, while law provides the framework for the legal recognition and protection of persons. By examining this interplay, readers can gain a deeper appreciation of the philosophical underpinnings that shape legal concepts of personhood.

    Throughout this section, we analyze key legal principles and concepts related to the nature of personality. This includes the recognition of human rights, the capacity to enter into contracts, the ability to hold property, and the liability for one's actions. By exploring these concepts, readers can grasp the legal implications of personhood and the significance it holds in various legal contexts.

    In summary, this section focuses on the nature of personality, distinguishing between natural and legal personalities. By examining the inherent characteristics of individuals as persons and the legal recognition and protection granted to them, readers can develop a comprehensive understanding of personhood. The interplay between philosophical and legal perspectives enriches the analysis and provides a broader context for comprehending the complexities of legal personality.

3. Legal Status of Lower Animals, Dead Persons, Unborn Persons

    In this section, we delve into the legal status of entities such as lower animals, dead persons, and unborn persons. By examining the extent to which these entities are recognized as legal persons, we aim to shed light on their rights, obligations, and the implications of their legal status. Furthermore, we analyze how different legal systems treat these entities, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of their legal standing.

    Firstly, we explore the legal status of lower animals. While animals possess certain rights and protections under animal welfare laws, they are generally not considered legal persons in the same way that human beings are. However, there is an ongoing discourse surrounding the legal personhood of animals, particularly in relation to their rights and the ethical treatment of animals. By examining various legal systems and their treatment of animals, readers can gain insights into the evolving nature of animal rights and the considerations involved in recognizing animals as legal persons.

    Next, we examine the legal status of deceased individuals. Once a person passes away, their legal personality undergoes significant changes. While they are no longer able to exercise rights or fulfill obligations, certain legal consequences may continue to affect their estate and the rights of their heirs. We delve into the legal frameworks surrounding inheritance, property rights, and the administration of deceased individuals' estates. Understanding the legal status of deceased persons is crucial for the administration of justice and the protection of their posthumous rights.

    Furthermore, we explore the legal status of unborn persons. Unborn persons refer to individuals who have been conceived but have not yet been born. The legal recognition and protection of the rights of unborn persons vary across different jurisdictions. We examine the legal frameworks surrounding issues such as fetal rights, abortion, and reproductive rights. By exploring these topics, readers can gain insights into the complex legal considerations and debates surrounding the legal status of unborn persons.

    Throughout this section, we analyze the treatment of lower animals, deceased persons, and unborn persons in various legal systems. We consider the implications of their legal status on their rights, obligations, and the legal relationships they may have with other entities. By examining these diverse legal perspectives, readers can appreciate the complexities and nuances associated with the legal recognition of these entities.

    In summary, this section focuses on the legal status of lower animals, deceased persons, and unborn persons. By examining the extent to which these entities are recognized as legal persons and the implications it has on their rights and obligations, readers can develop a comprehensive understanding of their legal standing. The examination of various legal systems and their treatment of these entities further enriches the analysis, highlighting the diverse approaches and considerations involved in determining their legal status.

4. Kinds of Legal Persons

    In this section, we delve into the various kinds of legal persons recognized in jurisprudence. By examining the distinctions between natural persons and legal entities, such as corporations, government bodies, and other artificial entities, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the different types of legal persons and the characteristics, rights, and liabilities associated with each.

    Firstly, we explore natural persons as legal persons. Natural persons refer to human beings who possess inherent personhood attributes, such as consciousness, rationality, autonomy, and moral agency. Natural persons have the fullest range of legal rights and obligations, including the right to life, liberty, and property, and the capacity to enter into contracts and engage in legal relationships. We analyze the legal frameworks that recognize and protect the rights of natural persons, exploring concepts such as legal capacity, legal competence, and the responsibilities that come with personhood.

    Next, we delve into legal entities as legal persons. Legal entities are entities that are recognized by law as having legal personality, separate from their individual members or owners. This category includes corporations, government bodies, nonprofit organizations, partnerships, and other artificial entities. We examine the characteristics, rights, and liabilities associated with each type of legal entity. For example, corporations have limited liability, perpetual succession, and the ability to enter into contracts and sue or be sued. Government bodies may possess sovereign immunity, while nonprofit organizations may have specific tax benefits and obligations. By exploring these distinctions, readers can understand the legal rights and responsibilities that accompany different types of legal entities.

    Throughout this section, we analyze the legal frameworks and principles that govern the recognition of different kinds of legal persons. We explore how legal systems determine the legal personality of entities and the implications it has on their rights, obligations, and legal capacities. Additionally, we examine the advantages and disadvantages associated with each kind of legal person, considering factors such as liability, taxation, and governance structures.


   By understanding the different kinds of legal persons, readers can grasp the diverse legal landscape and the implications of different legal personhood statuses. This knowledge is crucial for legal practitioners, policymakers, and individuals engaging with legal entities. It allows for a comprehensive understanding of the legal rights, obligations, and legal relationships that arise within various legal contexts.

    In summary, this section focuses on the different kinds of legal persons recognized in jurisprudence. By examining the distinctions between natural persons and legal entities, readers can gain insights into the characteristics, rights, and liabilities associated with each kind of legal person. Understanding the legal frameworks and principles that govern the recognition of different legal persons enhances comprehension of the complexities and implications of legal personhood within the legal system.

5. Uses and Purposes of Incorporation

    In this section, we delve into the uses and purposes of incorporation in the context of legal persons. By exploring the process of incorporation and its significance in creating legal entities, we aim to provide readers with an understanding of the advantages and benefits associated with this form of legal personhood. Additionally, we analyze the various considerations involved in choosing the appropriate form of incorporation for different purposes.

    Firstly, we examine the process of incorporation, which involves the legal formation of a separate entity, such as a corporation. We explore the legal requirements, procedures, and documentation necessary to establish a legally recognized entity. By understanding the process of incorporation, readers can grasp the legal mechanisms involved in creating a distinct legal person.

    Next, we analyze the advantages and benefits of incorporation. One key advantage is limited liability, which protects the personal assets of the owners or shareholders from being used to satisfy the debts and obligations of the incorporated entity. This feature provides a level of financial security and encourages entrepreneurship and investment. We explore the concept of limited liability and its significance in the corporate world.

    Another benefit of incorporation is perpetual succession, which means that the existence of the incorporated entity continues irrespective of changes in its ownership or membership. This feature allows for stability and continuity in business operations, ensuring that the entity can survive beyond the lifespan of its individual members. We delve into the implications of perpetual succession and its importance in the context of legal persons.

    Incorporation also grants a separate legal personality to the entity. This means that the incorporated entity is treated as a distinct legal person, separate from its owners or shareholders. It can enter into contracts, own property, and engage in legal relationships in its own name. We explore the concept of separate legal personality and its implications for the rights, obligations, and legal capacities of the incorporated entity.

    Furthermore, we analyze the various considerations involved in choosing the appropriate form of incorporation for different purposes. Different types of legal entities, such as corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships, offer distinct advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific needs and goals of the individuals or organizations involved. We examine factors such as governance structure, taxation, and liability in order to provide readers with insights into the decision-making process when considering incorporation.

    By understanding the uses and purposes of incorporation, readers can appreciate the advantages and benefits associated with this form of legal personhood. Whether for business ventures, nonprofit organizations, or other purposes, incorporation provides a legal framework that offers limited liability, perpetual succession, and separate legal personality. Understanding the considerations involved in choosing the appropriate form of incorporation is crucial for individuals and organizations seeking to establish a legal entity that aligns with their goals and objectives.

    In summary, this section explores the uses and purposes of incorporation in the context of legal persons. By examining the advantages and benefits, such as limited liability, perpetual succession, and separate legal personality, readers can gain insights into the significance of incorporation. Understanding the process of incorporation and the considerations involved in choosing the appropriate form of incorporation enhances comprehension of the diverse legal landscape and the implications of incorporating for different purposes.

6. Theories of Legal Personality

    In this section, we delve into the theories and philosophies that underpin the concept of legal personality. By exploring different schools of thought, such as the fictional theory, the realist theory, and the institutional theory, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the various perspectives on the nature, basis, and implications of legal personality.

    Firstly, we examine the fictional theory of legal personality. This theory views legal personality as a fictional construct created by law to attribute rights, responsibilities, and legal capacities to entities that do not possess inherent personhood attributes. According to this perspective, legal personality is a useful legal fiction that allows for the efficient functioning of legal systems. We analyze the implications and justifications of this theory, including its role in facilitating legal relationships and protecting the interests of various stakeholders.

    Next, we explore the realist theory of legal personality. This theory argues that legal personality is not a mere fiction but reflects the reality of social and economic relationships. It asserts that legal recognition of certain entities as legal persons is necessary to reflect the actual interests and needs of society. We examine the realist perspective on legal personality and its implications for the recognition of legal persons, particularly in the context of economic entities and collective interests.

    Additionally, we delve into the institutional theory of legal personality. This theory emphasizes the role of institutions, such as corporations and government bodies, in the creation and attribution of legal personality. It views legal personality as a product of institutional design and the legal frameworks that govern the establishment and operation of these entities. We analyze the institutional theory's perspective on legal personality and its implications for understanding the legal recognition and regulation of different kinds of legal persons.

    Throughout this section, we analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of each theory of legal personality. By exploring these different perspectives, readers can gain insights into the diverse philosophical and theoretical foundations that shape the concept of legal personality. Moreover, we consider how these theories influence legal systems, legal reasoning, and the treatment of various entities as legal persons.

    Understanding the theories of legal personality is crucial for comprehending the underlying principles and justifications for the legal recognition of different entities as legal persons. It provides a deeper understanding of the philosophical and theoretical considerations that shape legal concepts and practices. By examining these theories, readers can engage in critical analysis and contribute to ongoing debates surrounding the nature, basis, and implications of legal personality.

    In summary, this section explores the theories of legal personality, including the fictional theory, the realist theory, and the institutional theory. By analyzing these perspectives, readers can gain insights into the nature, basis, and implications of legal personality. Understanding the theoretical underpinnings of legal personality enhances comprehension of the complexities and debates surrounding the recognition of different entities as legal persons within the legal system.

7. Conclusion

    The conclusion section serves as a summary of the key points discussed in the chapter on the concept of person in jurisprudence. It reinforces the importance of understanding the concept of person and its legal implications within the realm of law. Additionally, it provides a brief overview of the different aspects covered throughout the chapter, underscoring the significance of studying the concept of person in a legal context.

    Throughout the chapter, we have explored various facets of the concept of person in jurisprudence. We began by introducing the topic and its relevance to the study of law. Recognizing and understanding the nature of personality, both natural and legal, is crucial for comprehending the legal rights, obligations, and relationships that exist within a legal system.

    We then examined the legal status of lower animals, deceased persons, and unborn persons. By exploring the recognition of these entities as legal persons, we gained insights into their rights, obligations, and the legal frameworks that govern their treatment within different jurisdictions. This analysis shed light on the complexities and considerations involved in determining the legal status of these entities.

    Furthermore, we delved into the different kinds of legal persons recognized in jurisprudence. By distinguishing between natural persons and legal entities, such as corporations and government bodies, we explored the characteristics, rights, and liabilities associated with each kind of legal person. This understanding is essential for navigating the legal landscape and comprehending the diverse legal rights and responsibilities that arise within different entities.

    We also discussed the uses and purposes of incorporation, highlighting the advantages and benefits it offers, such as limited liability, perpetual succession, and separate legal personality. By examining the considerations involved in choosing the appropriate form of incorporation, readers gained insights into the decision-making process when establishing legal entities for various purposes.

    Additionally, we explored the theories of legal personality, including the fictional theory, the realist theory, and the institutional theory. These theories provided different perspectives on the nature, basis, and implications of legal personality, enriching our understanding of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of this concept.

    In conclusion, understanding the concept of person in jurisprudence is of paramount importance within the field of law. By studying the nature of personality, the legal status of different entities, the kinds of legal persons, the uses of incorporation, and the theories of legal personality, readers can develop a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances associated with the concept of person in a legal context.

    By grasping these key aspects, readers are better equipped to navigate legal systems, engage in legal reasoning, and critically analyze legal issues related to personhood and legal personhood. The concept of person influences legal rights, obligations, and relationships, and a deep understanding of this concept enhances our comprehension of the legal landscape and promotes effective engagement with legal principles and practices.

    In summary, the chapter on the concept of person in jurisprudence has provided a comprehensive exploration of this topic. By summarizing the key points discussed throughout the chapter, we emphasize the significance of studying the concept of person within the context of law and its broad-ranging implications in legal systems.

8. References

1.    Dr. S.P. Sathe
       Jurisprudence: Legal Philosophy in a Nutshell

2.    Dr. R.N. Sharma
        Jurisprudence and Legal Theory

3.    Dr. U.C. Agarwal
       Jurisprudence: Legal Theory and Philosophy

4.    Dr. V.S. Mani
       Jurisprudence: Legal Theory and Principles

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