Module 01 The Maharashtra Police Act, 1951
Historical Background objects scope of Maharashtra police act 1951 |
Restriction of Power on Maharashtra Police Act
1951 |
Measures of Public Order and Safety |
Regulation Control and discipline of Police
force under MPA 1951 |
Constitution, Jurisdiction of Special court
and public prosecutor under MPA 1951 |
Offenses and Punishment |
Superintendence Control and organization of
Police force under MPA 1951 |
Power and duties of Police under MPA 1951 |
Module 02 Prevention of Corruption Act 1988
Prevention of Corruption act 1988 |
Offenses and punishment of the act |
Provision - Persons investigate cases and
change of rule of evidence and criminal procedure |
Appointment of Judge under PCA 1988 |
Public Duty and Public Servent under PCA 1988 |
Investigation procedure under PCA 1988 |
Module 03 The Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act, 1999
Interception of Wire, electronic, oral
communication under MOCCA |
Constitution, Jurisdiction of Special court
and public prosecutor under MOCCA |
Offenses and Punishment |
Rule of Evidence and CrPC under MOCCA |
Courts and public prosecutor under MOCCA |
Characteristics of Organized Crime under MOCCA
Courts and public prosecutor under MOCCA |
Module 04 The
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
Measures to control of Smuggeling and Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotrophic substances |
Offenses and Punishment under this act |
Authorities and Officers under NDPS Act |
Prohibition control and regulation under NDPS
Act 1985 |
Module 05 The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
Child welfare and committee Role under the act
JJA 2015 |
Module 06 Introductionto Cyber Crimes - IT Act 2000
Salient features of Information technology
2000 |
Offenses and punishment of the act |
Exemptions from liability of intermediatory in
certain cases related to cyber crime |